Explore a podcast from the inside of a creative company.
Our team will share their insights and experience on a range of topics, including content creation, brand identity, web design, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Whether you're a business owner looking to enhance your online presence or simply interested in the world of marketing, the Absorb Cast is the perfect resource for you.
So, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the latest trends and best practices in the world of creative solutions for businesses!
Check out the podcast
What is a BRAND and how can it GROW your business
Your brand is much more than just a logo or a tagline. It's the identity of your business - the sum of all the experiences and emotions that people associate with your company.
Working with BIG vs SMALL BUSINESSES as an agency
We're going to explore the differences between working with big businesses versus small businesses as a marketing agency. As marketing professionals, we understand that each business has its unique needs and challenges, and the approach that works best for one might not be the right fit for another.
Why we quit working weddings
We talk about our wedding film and photography business, how we grew it to be a full time gig and why we left the wedding industry behind to focus on our other side of the business - Absorb Studios.
We’ve noticed a huge issue with social media management job descriptions and expectations in the creative workforce. So, what exactly should social media managers be doing?
You are a content creation company!
You are a content creation company, no matter what your business sells! In this episode, we talk a little about why content is important for your business and why you should think about creating content for your brand.
How to start creating tons of CONTENT quick for your BUSINESS
A lot of the time businesses know they need to start creating content and really just don’t know where to start. One of the best places to start right now is a video podcast for your business.
Why your audio is more important than your video
Audio is 50% of the experience when it comes to video content. Some would argue that is more than that, and honestly, we would say the same. People can forgive a bad video if it has good audio, but it's harder to pay attention to a video that looks cinematically beautiful while sounding atrocious.
What type of microphone is right for you?
So, you're about to film some content and you got the camera all set up and composed well… You film the video and it looks amazing, but sounds like trash. It’s time to buy a microphone.