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UX, Business Caitlyn Hymer UX, Business Caitlyn Hymer

Why User Experience is Critical to Your Business's Success

In today's digital age, where people are bombarded with information and options at every turn, creating a positive user experience is more important than ever. It's no longer enough to have a functional website or app. You need to stand out from the crowd and provide something that truly resonates with your users.

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UX Caitlyn Hymer UX Caitlyn Hymer

A Brief History of UX Design

The more we know about the origins of user experience and the factors and forces that have helped to shape this practice, the better equipped we will be to navigate the future of this industry. So, today we’re going to be diving into the history of user experience design.

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UX Caitlyn Hymer UX Caitlyn Hymer

What is User Experience?

User Experience (UX) Design is a concept that is widely associated with digital products; however, it can and should be applied to all forms of design and other mediums in the creative world.

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