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How to Create Engaging Video Content on a Budget
Creating engaging video content on a budget is entirely possible with a bit of planning and creativity.
Audio is More Important than Video
Audio is 50% of the experience when it comes to video content. Some (including us) would even argue that is more than that! People can forgive a bad video if it has good audio, but it's harder to pay attention to a video that looks cinematically beautiful when it sounds atrocious.
What Type of Microphone do you need for a Video Podcast?
Imagine this: you’re about to film some content and you got the camera all set up and composed well. Then, you film the video and it looks amazing but sounds like trash. Surprise! It’s time to buy a microphone.
How to Quickly Create Tons of Content for your Business
A video podcast is one of the most efficient ways to invest in content for your business because you can repurpose so much of it and you can get a massive amount of quality content quickly.
The Value of Lighting
Cameras do not “see” light the same way that humans do, so light is often considered to be the single most important tool when capturing images in both film and photography.
Cinematography VS Videography
Videography and cinematography are terms that are often used by the general public interchangeably; however, each of these terms have deeper meanings behind them.